The publication in January 2019 of the Scottish Heart Disease Statistics report highlighted that whilst there has been a welcomed continued downward trend in deaths from coronary heart disease (CHD) in
Scotland and across the UK, the rate of decline has slowed in the last five years.
The report, published by ISD Scotland, part of the NHS National Services Scotland, featured the latest Hospital discharge rates for Greater Glasgow & Clyde, stating that “Over the last five years Greater Glasgow & Clyde has continued to have a much larger rise in CHD discharge rate than other boards.”
Discharge rates provide a useful measure of the amount of NHS hospital activity related to CHD and as the report details, are an indication of “both the occurrence of new cases and also the frequency with which people are readmitted to hospital.“
The report includes further information and data analysis in a number of key areas including;
- Heart Attacks
- Heart Failure
- Angina
- Operations
- Cardiovascular Prescribing
- Primary Care Activity
- Ambulance Service Activity
- Future potential analysis
- There is also a comprehensive glossary of terms