I am delighted to report that we have taken advantage of the relaxed Covid regulations to hold an AGM/social get together in the Ellengowan Clubrooms, Milngavie on Thursday 23rd June. There were 15 attendees and 10 apologies.
- Bill opened the meeting, welcoming everyone then expressing thanks to (1) the Physio team for all their efforts (2) Ernest for his term as Treasurer (3) Jess for the admin etc and (4) Isobel for taking on the role of Treasurer
- Isobel supplied everyone with a statement of accounts up to the end of March 2022. These had been audited by Alistair Beattie. The current balance is @£6000. Isobel explained the system notebooks used to keep track of payments which is working well, and is happy for cheques, standing orders or bank transfers. There was approval for the gift vouchers given to entertainers participating in the ‘Social’ extensions to the zoom classes.
- Summer Bonus: Bill sought and was given the meeting’s approval for the committee’s request to give the Physio team each a one-off £50 bonus. This recognised the efforts the team go to to keep the classes challenging and beneficial for the participants.
- The committee membership was reviewed, and volunteers welcomed to increase the numbers. Eileen indicated a willingness to stay a member and Dorothy volunteered to come on board. Jess will contact Alison Arnott to suggest that she might like to join us. Alison Arnott has accepted an invitation to join the committee and therefore increase the physiotherapy insight into our discussions.
- Bill’s suggestion that we organise occasional social/fundraising activities was welcomed. February or October/November was thought to be the best times to hold an event/fundraiser. Regular social extensions to the Zoom classes were also seen as an option. Ideas for suitable activities are welcome!
- The website and the constitution are needing to be updated – the committee will take this in hand as a priority. EDIT: the website has since been updated (November 2022)
- There was discussion about the Walking Group and it was agreed this should be seen as an informal subsidiary of Glasgow West Heartbeats, for members and friends who may or may not attend the cardio zoom sessions.
- Thanks were expressed to the Ellengowan staff for their hospitality.
If you wish to discuss/offer feedback on any of the matters raised at the AGM,
please contact us.
please contact us.
Best Wishes